How to save Battery Life in Android Phones

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hi there, I am trying to share my experience, I know you guys is stressed out when your batteries on your android runs out, and frankly, it happened to all of our android's phone. That's because we our mobile phone sync data almost every seconds.

Yes we can see a lot of offers in Market Place that promised and offered "save our battery life" and task killers but honestly, the best thing that we can do to save our battery is  NOT by using those apps, why ?

Android is designed and capable to shut down the running programs that Android thinks its no longer needed, why we need the task-killers apps ? Just let the system do the the job! So my suggestion, task killers apps are not so useful and it drain more of our batteries, and if you set the task killer on per-hour/3 hour kill or end an apps, of course it drains our battery more! lets just be real!

And lets talk about Juice Defender, I used Juice Defender for a month, and yes, it saved my battery lifes like 30-60% of the avarage. But its the same like we "cut off the line", we can't get an incoming or important email, tweet updates, facebook and everything. so why we bought Android in the first place if you can't get the push-notifications ?

My suggestion is to save battery life is by reducing the brightness of your screen display, and use your phone normally when you really need em!



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