50 useful tips and tricks for your Android

Monday, July 11, 2011

Android is a great little operating system for smartphones modern mobile, but can feel a bit confusing and complex for newcomers.

Google's quest to make everyone feel at home by providing multiple layers of screen options and hundreds of tweakable settings can leave people a little lost, plus there are widgets you need to worry, the Home screen layouts and many more are hidden under the green cap Google.

So here, to make things a little easier for newcomers Android and those who seek power a few more tips, we present the Android 50 important facts and techniques.

These tips are mostly for the 2.1 version of Android, which is by far the most common form of OS out there today - but many suggestions will also work on older versions and newer boutique varieties and they are skinned by some device makers hard.

1. Enable Power Strip Android

The most important feature in Android 2.1 is a built-in widgets power strip. Here, you can quickly remove all the phones battery-destroying features such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a GPS Batter Killer Great. Long-tap on the screen and install it through the widget category.

2. Android call screening

If you are paranoid call-screener, Android is there for you. Open Contacts date listing of people you avoid, then select Menu> Options. From here you can ping to all incoming calls from these people directly to voicemail. Give people off with Android.

3. Set up a custom ring tone dialing

Or, if you want to talk to people, the same screen allows you to allocate specific custom ringtone for each caller stored in your Contacts directory.

4. Add your alarm clock for your task

A classic mistake, this. We constantly talked about the importance of (arguably) from using task manager to maximize battery Android, and if you want to go down that route you received. However, when it kills all your tasks to save battery life, remember that your alarm clock is a task in itself - to kill it and you'll wake up with panic at 10:15 tomorrow morning.

5. Organize things into folders

While Steve Jobs may be recent enough to make a big deal about letting users IOS organize things into folders, Android has been doing that for ages. Fancy Home screen quick shortcut to star in your favorite contact? Long-press the Home screen and make it so.

6. Rename the folder Android

And, once you do that, to adjust things to perfection it possible to rename the folder. Simply open the folder, then long-press on the name on the top bar to open the field to change the name of Top Secret.

7. Check the date

Probably one of the smallest feature is the facility documented the date of inspection. Press notification bar at the left of the screen. It tells you what that date. Come on, try it. It will.

8. Mount your SD card

Notification is also accessible via the field is the "mount" option. Many a newcomer in the Android has failed this hurdle, as mounting your mobile phone SD card is an awkward step that needs to be taken before it will appear as an external drive to copy the data. Install, mount it, then copy.

9. Adjust your keyboard shortcuts

One of the reasons why many people still love their QWERTY keyboard is the inclusion of Google's system of keyboard shortcuts that old reliable in Android. This phone has a collection of shortcuts are fully customizable application launcher, which is found under the Application Settings>> Quick

10. Download wallpaper Android

One thing that makes Android 2.1 swish and a little more interesting than the previous version is a bit boring for Wallpaper Live support - which animates the image format that takes you to the Home screen of life. There are batteries hit neglected to do so, but in return you get a phone that looks cool. That's what life's all about, right? Find the Android Market for Live Wallpapers - there are many.

11. Easily zoom

A tiny little feature, this, but one that is super useful if you use a fifth of your Home screen - or a custom user interface that offers more. Tapping the dots beside the dock at the bottom of the screen displays a list of mini thumbnails of all the Home screen, allowing you to get from Screen 1 to Screen 5 without wearing grooves into the surface of your screen.

12. Add shortcuts Android Navigation

Android 2.1 allows local users to set short-cuts to Navigation Maps satnav app. As long as you have one of the latest Google Maps update, you can choose one of your route and Navigation attach directly to a shortcut on the Home screen - creating a one-hit launcher for your favorite trip.

13. Set your double-tap zoom level

On phones that do not support multi-touch zoom, you can take more control of your web browsing through a page zoom browser settings. Change your view to "Close" if you want the pages to fly right into extreme close when you double-tap the screen, or leave it to the "Remote" if you like planting in the text just a little closer when you double-tap.

14. Change font size Android browser

From the same menu you can also select your browser's font size. your personal ideal settings will vary depending on screen size, resolution, and eyesight, but a few minutes getting it set up so that page directly read will save you many hours of cumulative resizing for years to come.

15. Find web pages

Menu>> More Find on page lets you search for the term specified text on a web page, if you can not be bothered to read it correctly as the author intended.

16. Practice your voice robot

Android 2.1 features the voice-input text for each column. Which is good, although the delay for "processing" - and often a bit left-field results - meaning it's usually quicker to just bite the bullet and type things. Remember to say "comma" to tell it to insert a comma. Full stop.

17. Add a word to the dictionary Android

This is a useful feature that should be screaming about the sticker on the phone when you are removing from the box. If you have worked through living with family names that are difficult-to-spell, type all text into the field of your Android phone - then long-press on in the suggested word. This adds to the dictionary, so you'll never have to type more than a few characters of the name fool you again.

18. Sign up for a Picasa account

Google's online picture-sharing tool may have failed to capture the public imagination in the same way as Flickr, but there is one good reason to register one yourself - Android 2.1 's 3D gallery can auto-sync your photos with Picasa account you. Photo sharing works both ways, so you should disable synchronization if you do not want all your web galleries appear on your phone.

19. Web download images

If you ever see one of the funny pictures on the internet, long-pressing it allows you to download to your phone - and it will pop up in your Gallery for easy sharing.

20. Manage your call log Android

It's very easy to remove any item from the Android log on to make and receive calls - a long-tap the item and delete it. Then sleep easier.

21. Facebook and photos

If you combine with the official Android Android Facebook app, may be to automatically pull in photos for your contacts through Facebook. You can also create folders up a specific phone book on the Home page, keeping the Internet and friends who are completely separate.

22. Browser shortkeys

Android 2.1 web browser has a smart multi-function button next to the address bar. While the page is loading was changed to "X" to cancel the loading, but once the page is complete it turned into one of the historical marker to add and management tools. It is always there for you.

23. Android web history

Also, more speed up browsing by pressing the Back button - this is your shortcut to your internet history. Browsing session is ideal for navigating the complex - and also saves reloading unnecessary.

24. Use the browser tab

Android standard browser offers tabbed browsing, it does not do a very good job of advertising it. Long-pressing the URL lets you open a web link in new tab - you then switch tabs by pressing the Menu and select the Windows option. Not a user-friendly system, but it works. Just remember that the stop on the desktop may automatically close all the tabs in the middle-weight sessions.

25. Some Gmail accounts in Android

Android 2.1 adds support for multiple Gmail accounts. Add a new Internet identity to your phone by opening the Gmail application, then press Menu> Accounts> Add Account. Then remember who you're pretending.

26. menon-aktifkan/mematikan auto-Google

If you phone a bit at the entry level side of things, a search Google will be accelerated significantly by turning off features of the web advice. After Google constantly guessing what will you type is nice, but can bring an old cell phone rattling stopped. Disabling this feature with postal mail to Settings> Search> Google Search Settings.

27. Add hotline to the Home screen Android

If there is one person you tend to call more than most - his wife, board member or parole officer - make it easy on yourself by adding a shortcut dial directly to the Home screen. Long-press in the background, then select Direct Dial Shortcuts then - to add the modern equivalent of a big red phone to your Home page that directly call the number one without messing around with the Dialer or the Contact page.

28. Add a hotline for Techradar

You can do the above with a Web page, too. For a long-press on the web when the browser's bookmarks, and you'll be given the option to "Add a Shortcut to the Future" - which will indeed drop the icon into your Home screen that instantly launches the browser and start loading your favorite sites.

29. Shortcut music playlist

If you've setup your music playlist, it is also possible to add a shortcut to that on the Home screen in the same way. Beats fiddling with the music player.

30. Bypass the slide opens Android

You do not need to slide the screen locker to take your phone out of standby. A press Menu button twice from the phone you will also wake up, as long as a manufacturer you have not removed that feature from the skin.

31. Confirmed deletion

Pressing the Menu while in the gallery lets you turn off the confirm deletion dialog, which can shave seconds is still much time your photo management.

32. Alternative text fields

If you are a little grammar fetishist, stock keyboard Android can help. Hold the key to display the floating text field alternative to the letter, with all the special characters needed to accurately transmit an SMS message to the people of France and Germany appear.

33. Android emoticions

The upper end of the keyboard also works with the selection of Android on a smiling face, with a long press-on smiley attract more. Although there is still not quite sad / depressed for our liking.

34. "What I meant was ..."

And if you're too old to know what all this actually means a smiley face, press Menu and then Insert Smiley while at the keyboard Android - the sense that they are all well explained to my grandfather.

35. Auto-correct changes Android

If you experience problems with the keyboard auto-correction or the Android does not like the words complement and take advantage of its own, the options can be changed in the Settings> Language and Keyboard> Keyboard Android.

36. Install the Android file manager

The lack of a way to properly manage the files on Android 2.1 is quite strange. Sure, you can delete photos and music from within their applications, but you must be one of the many file managers Android Market to remove the mass in comfort, style PCs. Astro is one, good to start with free.

37. Android you manage battery

Keep track of the occasional rogue app is important when it comes to making sure you have enough battery for odd occasions when you really may need to make phone calls. Data collected by your phone and saved under Settings> About Phone> use the battery will tell you if one of your applications stay and hammering your battery, letting you do the man and remove it.

38. Set the keyboard, the keyboard

Another feature that is rather vague, this. Long-pressing the 123 button on the standard keyboard keyboard Android display settings page, where you can switch the keyboard (if you have others installed) and fiddle with the settings quickly.

39. STOP

Also, further speed up typing by pressing the space bar twice - it automatically inserts the full-stop.

40. "Never heard of him"

If you need to remove all mention ex-partner from your phone, the dictionary can be edited - go to Settings> Language and Keyboard> User Dictionary for cleaning history you type.

41. Talk Queen of England

If you are tired of the strange accent sounds Navigation Maps, there is a variant of the UK - go to Menu> Settings> Text to Speech> and check the box to use your own settings. Now you can have an English accent. Far better to navigation M25.

42. Remove Android apps

If you run out of internal memory space, your application can be sorted by size - large and binned to make room. Head to the Application Settings> Manage> Applications and press Menu to filter them using the memory.

43. Activate the speakerphone

This is not a special user-friendly must press the Menu button while making a call, but if you do so you can choose the speakerphone option - plus other calling features.

44. Delete the entire thread

If you have an SMS conversation nights you'd rather forget, long-tapping on a thread from the front screen Messaging app that lets you delete the entire thing in one go. It would be like it never happened.

45. Create your own wallpaper

You do not have to stick with the default collection Android from the 1990's the company's image - any image can be used as your desktop image. And you're even allowed to plant it, so it rolls better with the desktop. For a long-tap on the Home screen and select then Wallpaper Pictures for using your pic taken earlier.

46. Latest list of Android apps

Pressing the Home button displays the Android equivalent of the most recently used list of your application. It beats paging through the phone, if you just stop something by mistake.

47. Loss of luxury items is not important

Your phone calls and save small amount of battery life with fancy animations binning. You can change it back again when you have to impress iPhone users. Find toggles under Settings> Sound and Display> Animation.

48. Built-in duty Android killer

Android killer features its own little tasks, but very, very well hidden. Close the application manually by opening the Application Settings>> Manage Applications and then press the Menu - and filter the results by running the application. If you can be bothered with all that, you can force close everything running.

49. Lock your phone

Setting the pattern of opening to add a small layer of additional security to your phone - just remember to wipe the finger-pap tell the story of the screen.

50. The display remains on when charging

It is often useful to have the screen stay on all the time, especially if you tend to recharge your mobile phone in overnight and use one of the fancy applications that turn your phone into a nice radio and 1980's clock. Go to the Applications Settings>> Development and send the display to remain lit when charging. But do not tell your friends your environment via an electric burn like this.


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